Many people desperately want to know how to treat a stye. If you never seen or had one here is a brief definition of what one is. Eye styes are caused by bacteria that get into an eyelash follicle. Styes are not generally perilous, just ugly and humiliating. People get sties from rubbing their eyes, poor hand washing, and, like my friend, an easy disposition for the tiny things. Just for the sake of example this was a good friend of mine but her practice of washing her hands needed a little work. Keep in mind these hideous things are caused by bacteria.,The connection between Mascara and Eye Styes is this, a massive source of the bacteria that invades your eyelash follicles is from your mascara wand. Most folks don’t realize how much bacteria is essentially on that wand. If you are especially subject to eye styes, rethink how you use your mascara. Without thinking every day we stick that bacteria covered brush right up to our eyes and coat our eyelashes with a fine crop of germs. Also, never keep mascara longer than three months. Some people are just more prone to infection from harmful bacteria than others. And this person could be you, I don’t like to see young women sharing mascara. Mascara is a great breeding ground for bacteria.,A way to meet and mingle until they wind up on your face making you look hideous. These bacteria can cause an odor in mascara. Squeezing that last from the container isn’t worth a trip to the eye doctor just to treat a stye, by being negligent. And, again, if you are subject to eye styes, replace your mascara more often than ordinary. There’s not a whole lot you can do to lose a stye once in place. A Good Eye Sty Treatment Many people ask me “how do you shed a sty on your eye?” The answer to that question is to hang about. Many of them go away all alone in about five days or so. If you happen to have a sty that lasts better than a week with no indications of going away, make an appointment with your health practitioner for appropriate treatments.,Also, if you happen to have got a stye that is on the interior of your eyelid, you will need to see a doctor for a cure. Inner eyelid sties can be dangerous. Again the best way to treat a stye is to eliminate what caused it. One general treatment for an eye stye is to keep the infected area completely cleaned and to apply warm compresses regularly to reduce eye stye soreness. Rubbing can irritate the stye and make it worse by spreading the bacteria to others. Not to worry though, a stye will customarily open up by itself and then wither away like a cactus living in a pool of water. Be sure to clean your hands often. Some specialists also advise disposing all your eye makeup since it could be potentially polluted. I see the emergence of an eye sty as a signal to open a fresh mascara and ditch the old one before once again you have to treat a stye.